Conditionally disable link css only
Conditionally disable link css only

conditionally disable link css only

The reason we're demoing this is to show that we can create a condition here on this static element - it's just a text link pointing to an email. This way people can still click "Contact our team" instead of seeing blank space where the email should be. This time we can double-click to edit, and even change the text to "Contact our team" - and then go over to set the link to send an email. And Dan still uses AOL so we're not even listing that. Now Joan's the team leader here and she doesn't want people emailing her directly because she's putting out fires all day and email is a distraction. We didn't have to go manually hunting through every last team member. We only want to show this element if we set an email on that team member.Īnd just like that, all the work was done for us. Add a condition, stating that the element is visible set. We'll keep this text link selected and go over to do just that. Wouldn't it be great if we could only show this element on team members who have emails set? But we actually have a problem: some team members don't have emails listed. Of course, we can get our URL from the Email field in our collection. Let's double click to rename this "Email Me" so we can link this to each team member's email. Here in this collection list containing team members, we want to add an email link. When we hit another page that has its category set to Portraits? The section displays perfectly. We can see that the section won't show up if the category isn't set to Portraits. So by doing this - by setting up this condition - we've made it so the section only appears on pages that have the Portraits category set. But we do want it showing up if someone's reading about portraits.

conditionally disable link css only

We don't want this section showing up to advertise portrait photography if the page is about shooting Landscape Architecture, Residential Interiors, Commercial Exteriors, or Dr. We're only showing this section when the Work Category is Portraits. The element (and its children) is only visible when.Īnd from the dropdown, we can make the selection. But we only want this section to show up on certain pages. And here's a section element with content inside. Now, we all know that wasn't nine syllables. Despite the nine-syllable mouthful, conditional visibility is really straightforward, and it's a great way to show or hide entire elements (and their children), based upon an item’s content inside a collection.

Conditionally disable link css only